Dr. Alexandra Nitzlader

Start-up consulting for more impact and successful financing

Are you an impact startup and want an expert to target investors with an impactful equity story? You want to measure your impact and know what is important for investors? Do you need support for your financial plan, or do you want to convince with your Business Canvas for Impact?


My name is Alexandra Nitzlader, business consultant and coach for social entrepreneurs and impact-driven start-ups. With a lot of impact, I accompany you on the topics of strategy, impact and fundraising in order to drive your solutions for social change together with you.

My Offer

I advise sustainable Social Entrepreneurs and Impact Start-ups on strategy, impact and funding

– effectively and meaningfully.

About me

I am a financing expert with a focus on social finance with more than 25 years of experience at German and Austrian banks and investment companies

My references

My clients appreciate my ability to listen, understand different perspectives and provide professional support with a personal touch.